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#                             First Person Cameras                            #

# The following parameters may be set for first person
# controllers using the following syntax...
# setparam <param> <value>
# <param> is a text name from the following list.
# <value> is a single floating point value.
# mouseheadingsensitivity - Scales the mouse heading value to control how sensitive
#                           the mouse feels in the left right direction.
# mousepitchsensitivity   - Scales the mouse pitch value to control how sensitive
#                           the mouse feels in the up down direction.
# maxvelocity             - Limits the velocity when moving using up,down,left,right.
# orientationminchange	  - Sets lerp smallest step possible for changing orientation.
# orientationsteps        - Sets lerp number of steps to take for changing orientation.
# translationminchange    - Sets lerp smallest step possible for changing position. 
# translationsteps        - Sets lerp number of steps to take for changing position.
# velocityminchange       - Sets lerp smallest step possible for changing velocity. 
# velocitysteps           - Sets lerp number of steps to take for changing velocity.
# fovminchange            - Sets lerp smallest step possible for changing FOV. 
# fovsteps                - Sets lerp number of steps to take for changing FOV.
# gravity		  - Sets the gravity acceleration when falling.
# upperpitchlimit         - Limits the pitch to <value> up of forward.
# lowerpitchlimit         - Limits the pitch to <value> down of forward.
# headinglimit            - Limits the heading to <value> left/right of forward.
# mincameraheight	  - min camera height
# maxcameraheight         - max camera height
# velocitysensitivitymin  - smallest amount velocity is scaled by at closest zoom. defaults to .25
#			    or velocity is scaled by this amount to 1, from closest to farthest.

# Free moving first person camera.
camera     "CameraMan" CameraMan
fov        (20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90)
clip       0.15 2000

setparam defaultminchange        0.5
setparam mouseheadingsensitivity 0.0005
setparam upperpitchlimit         35
setparam lowerpitchlimit         -80
setparam orientationminchange	 0.1
setparam orientationsteps    	 5
setparam fovminchange		 0.001
setparam fovsteps		 3
setparam mincameraheight         1
setparam maxcameraheight         50
setparam translationminchange	 0.01
setparam translationsteps    	 7
setparam maxvelocity             10
setparam velocitysensitivitymin  0.1
setparam velocityminchange	 0.1
setparam velocitysteps    	 5
setparam ticklimit               50
setparam constraintwidth         -1000

# Free moving first person camera.
camera     "CameraManNH" CameraMan
fov        (20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90)
clip       2 2000

setparam defaultminchange        0.5
setparam mouseheadingsensitivity 0.0015
setparam upperpitchlimit         35
setparam lowerpitchlimit         -80
setparam maxvelocity             50     
setparam orientationminchange	 0.1
setparam orientationsteps    	 5
setparam translationminchange	 0.01
setparam translationsteps    	 7
setparam fovminchange		 0.001
setparam fovsteps		 3
setparam mincameraheight         5
setparam maxcameraheight         500
setparam velocitysensitivitymin  0.25
setparam ticklimit               50

# Camera connected to head bone of selected sim.
camera     "First" First
fov        (40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120)
clip       0.2 2000
smoothing  0 8 

setparam defaultminchange        0.5
setparam mouseheadingsensitivity 0.00005
setparam mousepitchsensitivity   0.00001
setparam translationminsteps     1
setparam translationsteps        1